
SEE OUR HYGIENIST at this London dental practice who is highly trained and qualified. She is an important member of the team who works closely with the dentist in the treatment and prevention of gum disease and maintaining a Fresh Breath Programme for you.

In a friendly informal way, she will both guide and advise you and also carry out prescribed cleaning and maintenance. She can give valuable advice on cleaning methods and even dietary advice if needed. She is happy to see a small group of children in the holidays for a fun preventive session that they can enjoy rather than dread.

Legally, the Hygienist only treats her patients under the prescription (or direction) of the dentist. Hygienists in the UK are permitted to carry out a wide variety of simple treatments under prescription. The patients must be examined by their dentist not less than every 12 months in order to keep the prescription to the Hygienist valid and accurate, because the patients’ tissues will be constantly changing over time.

Bad breath is a common problem amongst non-attenders and tackled for you as part of a Preventive Plan.

Prevention is the most important treatment we provide for you since it empowers the patient with the means of achieving and maintaining their teeth and gum health in their best state.

Regrettably, patients generally put a low value on Prevention, perhaps because they have not grasped just how important it is. Having got this far, you know it has high value for you. Minimal problems. Lower dental costs long term. Easier visits. You want those for yourself. Don’t you?