During Practice hours:
We try to help at short notice on real dental emergencies (e.g. sudden pain from rotten teeth or bleeding) as well as other dental problems such as a broken filling or denture, a loose crown, or a vague discomfort. We allocate parts of the day to short-notice urgent cases.
If we have time, we will try to help with genuine distress cases that are not our registered patients. The patient will prepay a fixed fee to cover a brief appointment in this case.
Advice for our regular patients only:
An emergency rota of local GDPs from private London dental practices only manages this service for their patients.
Out of normal hours there will be a recorded message which advises you how to contact an emergency dentist. You will be asked to call a pager operator on 07623-946093 (this number may change and it is best to check the recorded message).
On connection, a message reminds you of the information to give, then you pass to an operator. The emergency dentist is on duty weekdays end of surgery time to 7.00pm and weekends/public holidays 9.00am to 5.00pm.